16/October/2024 12:24
How to install SSL in cPanel?
Empowering Minds with Tech Knowledge.
Please follow the steps below to setup your 4 pages basic website on our Instant Website Basic Website Platform.
1. DNS Setup
Point your domain to the IP given in DV Group’s client area.
2. SSL Setup
Once your DNS is pointed, please request support team for SSL setup if automatically not setup. Once SSL is setup, you are ready to setup your website.
3. Login to the admin panel and do basic setup. You can find your admin panel login details in the DV Group’s client area.
4. Reset your password in the admin panel using Reset password option as shown below.
5. Set the theme for your website.
6. Now, go to Branding section and update your details you want to show to your customers like Business name, logo, contact details, social media links, tawk chat.
Select Services or Products whatever you want to show on your website.
7. Now, to setup banner. Go to Banners under settings. Upload your banner.
8. Use About us, About us on home under Settings to update content on your website. It will visible to your customers.
9. Now, Go to Manage Services. Click on "+ New Service" to add new service/product. Here, you can upload images of you services or products you are offering to your customer.
10. Using Manage Tesimonial module, you can write testimonial which would be visible to your users on the website.
11. Using Happy Clients module, you can upload the images/logo of your clients.
12. Under Newsletter module, you will find the email IDs of the users who has applied for newsletter on your website.
13. Once 1-11 points are completed, you website will be good to go.
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